Showed up next door seeking the solace of fellow doggies. He was 3 months old, scared and ½ starved. Because he is a Pit Bull, I think that he had been treated mean to make him mean to participate in illegal dog fighting. He had run away…
I fed him through the fence for over a week, while he made friends with Pup and my neighbor’s doggies Demo and Teddy. I opened my gate for him to come inside, but he was so scared. It took 12 tries, but finally he entered the yard! I closed the gate and he has been here since. He and Pup became best friends, though Pup has always maintained being the alpha dog.
He remained a scaredy cat when it came to people. I would have to set his food bowl down and walk away before he would eat. It was obvious he had been horribly abused… I contacted a local dog trainer (Trish) who volunteered her services to help me with Freckles. The main goal was to get him neutered – I would adopt Freckles, but being a male Pit Bull, his being fixed was mandatory.
Trish is a true Dog Whisperer! She fell in love with Freckles and called him her “Sugar Bear”. After several tries she got him on a leash. I set up a fence inside the house so he would have a space to recuperate from his surgery. He was VERY scared.

Showed up next door seeking the solace of fellow doggies. He was 3 months old, scared and ½ starved. Because he is a Pit Bull, I think that he had been treated mean to make him mean to participate in illegal dog fighting. He had run away…
I fed him through the fence for over a week, while he made friends with Pup and my neighbor’s doggies Demo and Teddy. I opened my gate for him to come inside, but he was so scared. It took 12 tries, but finally he entered the yard! I closed the gate and he has been here since. He and Pup became best friends, though Pup has always maintained being the alpha dog.
He remained a scaredy cat when it came to people. I would have to set his food bowl down and walk away before he would eat. It was obvious he had been horribly abused… I contacted a local dog trainer (Trish) who volunteered her services to help me with Freckles. The main goal was to get him neutered – I would adopt Freckles, but being a male Pit Bull, his being fixed was mandatory.
Trish is a true Dog Whisperer! She fell in love with Freckles and called him her “Sugar Bear”. After several tries she got him on a leash. I set up a fence inside the house so he would have a space to recuperate from his surgery. He was VERY scared.

It took 6 months before he would come up on the porch.
He would take Pup’s lead to join in “Cookie Time”.
(Picture) It's Cookie Time!!
A lot of baby steps (some backwards), but after about a year and ½ Freckles began to trust and love me, knowing that I would not hurt him. He now comes inside every night and is a very loved member of the family! Freckles is very smart and SO sweet, doling out kisses to not only me, but Pup, Squeek, Skritch & Skratchy as well!
I gave Freckles the birthday of August 11th when he will celebrate his 3rd birthday!
Definitely a big juicy bone for my sweetie!
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