Rescue Ink!!LOVE these guys! Champions of abused animals - traveling the country rescuing our furry friends from neglect and inhumane treatment! I'm holding a picture of Freckles - my rescued Pit Bull. I wish Rescue Ink had been here when Freckles managed to run away from the mean people who had the Pit Bull fighting ring a few miles away from where I live. Rescue Ink would have set those cowards straight!
The Love-A-Bull Festival downtown Austin on November 7th, 2010was attended by hundreds of dogs and their humans!Bringing awareness to the community that the Pit Bull breed is getting a BAD RAP!Bad behavior is taught by the owner, not inbred in the breed!
Everybody got along just fine!! :-))There was a parade to begin the festivities with. I saw it on the news, but not in person. I did get a couple of photos of participants in the costume contest...
This guy has an angelic smile to go with his angel outfit!

Mama's little babies...
"I'm a Dalmation, and I'm beautiful!"Hugs, love, skritch, treats, purr, spay, neuter and ADOPT!
PLEASE!!!!Jakey the Clown