Everybody needs a picture of their kids posing in a field of bluebonnets!
My Pup showed up in the neighborhood when he was a year and a half old. Whether his previous owner had dropped him here, or if he was searching for a lady friend is unknown. He was definitely lost and very hungry! He made the rounds in the neighborhood and made a few human friends who gave him food and water - including me!
I had a doghouse out back and invited him to take up residence. He decided that he liked making his rounds. I would check to see if he was in the house every morning and also at night. Pup was a free spirit! Then one night when I checked to see if he was in the doghouse - he was!
But he had been hit by a car! I rushed him to the Vet, and Pup had a long recovery time. We managed to save his injured leg, but one of his eyes he ended up permanently blind in.
I then claimed Pup as my own, and he claimed me as his humom!
Pup is smart, and he is loyal! We love each other unconditionally (this is true with all my furbabies!). Can't leave the gate open though, because he will revert to making his rounds! Not in search of a lady friend though, thanks to Animal Trustees of Austin! I'm not Bob Barker, but I do encourage everyone to spay or neuter your pets!!
I gave Pup the birthday of August 18th when he will turn 11 years old!
I don't bake cakes for the doggies, but Pup will get VERY special treats on his birthday!!
Perhaps a T-Bone steak?